About Us
With a membership of 84, the Libberton & Quothquan Parish Church strives to find ways of developing our spiritual understanding through active Christianity in the community by:-
o Living according to the Word of God
o Spreading the Good News
o Being a good neighbor
The Sunday Service of Worship is the main focus for members of our church. Our services take place every Sunday at Libberton & Quothquan Parish Church which is situated at the highest point in Libberton, South Lanarkshire. Our church is part of a joint linkage with Symington Parish Church and Cairngryffe Parish Church. Our minister George Shand conducts the Sunday services at the three churches which are held at either 9h30 or 11h00 each Sunday. For more details, see the "What's On" page of this web site. We are always happy to have members of the congregation contribute at our Sunday services, for example, by reading scripture lessons, arranging the flowers, or helping with the Sunday School.
“The church” has always aspired to be a focal point in the community. The Libberton and Quothquan Parish Church community welcomes thoughts from everyone in the parish about how "the church community" can best be a good neighbour. Members of the Church are always happy to facilitate this process by bringing to the Kirk Session news, views and ideas for improving the ways in which God’s work can be furthered in this place, at this time.
Our Sunday School is held in the vestry of the church during the part of the Sunday Service. Normally the children join the first part of the service & then they leave to join the Sunday School. This gives parents a welcome break from the children & lets them concentrate on the service. The children also welcome the chance to escape the confines of the church pews, to see their friends & to participate in the activities run by the Sunday School. At Sunday School, the children play games, learn many of the great Bible stories and get the chance to ask questions & discuss. During school holidays children of primary school age are invited to join those from our linked congregations and our neighbouring congregation in Biggar for a Holiday Club.
Throughout the year there are normally two series of Discussion Group meetings to focus on aspects of scripture and faith. In this web site you will find some useful references to help you with your own study.
Regular Prayer Group meetings are held with members of our other linked congregations.
There is a Coffee Club which meets fortnightly in the homes of members.
As part of a linked group of churches, we try to work together to support one another. We are always welcomed at events held in our companion churches. Every quarter (as we swap the service start times) we get together for a joint Sunday service, and these are the favourite services of the year for many.
For our church to remain solvent fundraising is required. During each year a variety of fundraising events are held. These offer opportunities for fellowship, fun and outreach as well as bringing in much needed funds which are used to:-
o Contribute our share of the minister’s stipend and manse costs.
o Meet our other financial responsibilities to the Church of Scotland.
o Maintain the church building – as all DIYers will tell you, there’s always work to be done!
o Support local and international charities & aid organisations.
Elders are always willing to adopt a range of roles within the Congregation and community. These tend to reflect their interests and skills.
We welcome everyone to our Services of Worship, especially if you are new to our Congregation or the area. We hope you will enjoy worship and fellowship with us soon!